How to Manage Your Listing

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New Members

When you click the JOIN button we will ask you to enter all the data for your listing. You can always come back later to edit your information (see Edit Any Time below). At the end of collecting all data for a listing, we will direct you to complete payment. Only once payment is made will your listing appear on the site. You will receive an email notification and receipt separately. Likewise, once your membership lapses, your listing will no longer be visible until you renew.

The new Add Listing screen looks like this:

Category & Plan Selection section

This section is where you select one or more categories for your listing. Once you pick a category, you can then select from available plans. Membership is discounted as the year progresses because all memberships are up for renewal in January.

You must pick at least one category before you will see plans. This makes it easier for you to pick the “right plan” for their listing.

You can change the plan or category by clicking the link in the lower right corner Change Category/plan.

Listing Images section (only visible if a listing is allowed to submit images)

We allow members to attach images to listings, you can manage that under this section. It looks like this:

You can drag and drop images from your local computer in the box labeled Upload Images, or you can click on Select images link to start the upload process. The image restrictions are shown on the right side of the upload box. If you image file is too large, you need to export it as a jpg (500kB is fine) and try again. Don’t forget to SAVE.

Renewing Members

All memberships expires in January. During that time you will receive a renewal email that includes your key code in case you do not have your login information. Click the link and follow the onscreen instructions. Once your payment has been made, your listing will appear on our website and you will receive a receipt via email.

Edit Any Time

When you set up a new listing on our site, you will receive an email with a link to your listing information. If you kept that email handy, the link in it will take you directly to your listing. Alternatively, find your listing and click the heading to enter your full listing page. Click the EDIt button and login to your account. Make the necessary changes and remember to SAVE in order for your changes to take effect.This page is accessed when a user clicks the “Edit” button from the front end. The Edit button is only visible for listings owned by a user.