Greendale Schools Summit Place Transition Program

What is the history of your business?

Greendale Schools‚ Summit Place helps adult students with disabilities build the skills needed to transition into the next phase of life. Students enrolled in this unique transitional program for 18-21 year olds are focused on five specific areas:

  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Strengthening self-advocacy skills
  • Preparing for post-secondary education
  • Exploring recreation and leisure activities
  • Building social and independent living skills

What makes your business stand out?

We work with local business to help people with disabilities find meaningful work and purpose in life after high school.

How does your business impact the community in Greendale?

Our program is a reflection of what true inclusion means. We know that our students help enrich the Greendale community. Our program also highlights the importance of access and equity in the workplace. Given that October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) we hope that we can be this month’s highlight.

What do you love about Greendale? Greendale is supportive of all it’s community members and knows how to work towards the greater good.