Greendale School District

Greendale School District
Short Business Description
Public Schools
Long Business Description
Greendale Schools, in partnership with students, families, and the community, is committed to developing leadership, creativity, and educational excellence. The district offers Greendale's youth multiple opportunities for learning to ensure each student’s unique abilities are developed. Student learning includes a focus on academic success as well as college and life-readiness skills developed through an understanding of the Attributes of a Greendale Graduate: Character, Citizenship, Communication & Collaboration, Critical & Creative Thinking, and Personal Wellness.
The district educates more than 2,700 students from 4K through twelfth grade in its schools: Greendale High School, Greendale Middle School, and Canterbury, College Park, and Highland View Elementary Schools. The district currently employs approximately 300 people.
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Business Address
6815 Southway
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